SUICIDE INSIDE is Belarusian rock band formed in 2005 in Londonby Natasha A Twentyone (vocals, lyrics) and Alexey Protasov (songwriting, guitars, synths) of industrial band AMBASSADOR21.
Their style evolved over many years, incorporating elements of post punk, new wave, post industrialand electronic music. Beginning with their sixth upcoming album “Broken Time Celebration”, the band adopted a post punk / new wave / gothic rock as their signature sound.
From post punk to new wave. Catchy synth melodies and guitars. Charismatic and fascinating female vocal. The songs you would love to sing. Dive deep to new era of SUICIDE INSIDE. The dark 80s how we love it.
New SUICIDE INSIDE full-length album “Broken Time Celebration” will be released in 2024. “Song Of Winter” EP with three brand new songs from upcomingalbum and “Song Of Winter” official video on January 29th 2024 on Invasion.
On “Broken Time Celebration” Zoé H. from French post punk band JE T’AIME
joined SUICIDE INSIDE on bass and guitar as additional musician.